I really appreciate the response I got last night when I got on line for the first time last night. I found it so encouraging today to read all or your responses. It's sad to hear the depression and sadness that the Jw's have caused in people's live. I do see a therapist thank goodness and find him to be so helpful. I can talk to him about anything. I've been in and out of the truth my whole life and of course am not sure if I have the right heart condition or not. I'm sure you've heard that before. Witnesses have no goals but the new system, I've seen this in my Mom and inlaws and other jw's. Everything is solely based on armageddon. I just can't live under my Mom's grasp or thumb shall I say anymore. We are talking about a total control freak. I did try to commit suicide but I am better now so don't worry, that's in the past, behind me. My husband Tim Horton and I have a 16 month and 13 year old so we are doing some real soul searching as to how we are going to raise our kids. Not brainwash, raise. You sound like a great bunch of people, I wish I couldmeet you all. Hugs, Mrs. Horton (I'm going to get a new computer name cause that sounds really old foogy)P.s Last week I told my father inlaw we might move in 5 years. He says "Oh armageddon will be here before that". Please!
Tim Horton
JoinedPosts by Tim Horton
my mom is a psychodub
by Tim Horton ini told my mom that i tried to commit suicide and she asked me who was going to have a bible study with my son.
there was no other word's from her other than that.
not even a reaction.
my mom is a psychodub
by Tim Horton ini told my mom that i tried to commit suicide and she asked me who was going to have a bible study with my son.
there was no other word's from her other than that.
not even a reaction.
Tim Horton
When we we're kids our bible studies felt like something out of a nazi concentration camp. Is that ironic or what? We would sit down and feel like the bible was being drilled into us. To this day I ask myself, if a witness came to my door would I say " I'm not interested" or would I take the magazines. I guess I'll never
know. Now that my mom and my sister know that there's a chance that I'm leaving the truth they're really pushing it. So are my in-laws. They don't do it to my husband, just me? What should I do? I'm totally frustrated but don't want to cut off total family ties. Any advice? -
my mom is a psychodub
by Tim Horton ini told my mom that i tried to commit suicide and she asked me who was going to have a bible study with my son.
there was no other word's from her other than that.
not even a reaction.
Tim Horton
Thanks Rabbit How long were you a witness? What made you leave in the first place. I've been raised in the truth my whole life, what about you? I have some really juicy, interesting stories if you want to hear them some time. I'm sure you have some too.
my mom is a psychodub
by Tim Horton ini told my mom that i tried to commit suicide and she asked me who was going to have a bible study with my son.
there was no other word's from her other than that.
not even a reaction.
Tim Horton
I told my Mom that I tried to commit suicide and she asked me who was going to have a bible study with my son. There was no other word's from her other than that. Not even a reaction. Is that pathetic or what? It's my first time writing, so I guess that makes me an Ex JW virgin apostate watchamacolic. You tell me. It's a sad life isn't it, but amazingly I feel great.(Sorry it's my wife's first time posting,sorry for the confusion)
Ethics, aesthetics, and morals
by onacruse inso, in the course of tonight's prolonged conversation with one of you jwd recalcitrants .
if, in fact, this life, this life, is all there is, and nothing remains after...no resurrection, no reincarnation, no transformation, no metamorphosis; that is to say--these bags of salt, water (and a few hydrocarbons and genetic variations thrown in for good measure) are all that we are, and all that we ever will be, and then "poof":.
why should we refrain from whatever brings the "greatest" personal pleasure to our measured and time-limited existence?
Tim Horton
Even from a totally selfish point of view, I would argue that the golden rule works for your benefit in the long run. Maybe not provable, but eventually things will work out in your favor, even if it is only a warm fuzzy feeling
What made you "see the light"?
by hubert ini realize many (or all) of the ex-j.w.
's in this forum have either gotten out of the org., faded, or in some way have come to the conclusion that the watchtower is not the "faithful and discreet slave", and is not the "true" religion that they claim to be.
i am curious to know..... "what made you see the light"?.
Tim Horton
I thought a lot would get out after the 1914 generation change? Maybe they are gradually coming out of it. I thought it would be massive, like the 1975 armagheddon did.
Lyrics for the day
by Stefanie infirst of the day is camoflauge: what are yours for today?
(jenkins, cadogan)justice comes into your life and then you'll know.
An Apology Regarding "The Voice"...
by AGuest into the household of god that is israel... and all those who go with them... may you have peace!.
i have been coming here for some time (although not in recent months, my sincere apologies) to share with you various truths that i have received from the truth.
for some of you, there has been little or no doubt as to the "authority" by which i share such things, the true source of such understandings: i have not refrained from confessing to you time and again that they are not mine, but are what has been given me by my lord, jaheshua mischajah, son and christ of the most holy one of israel, the god of abraham, isaac and jacob, whose name is jah or armies.
Any postive feedbacks from congregational people.
by spiritmama2004 ini am studying with the witnesess for over a yr now & finally today finished the knowledge book.
i came from a baptist church & since studying with this congregation have grown to appreciate them.
though i donot feel the need ot have the wt at the meetings i understand why the congregation uses them.
Tim Horton
Joker10 said:
You will not read many positive things there because most people have dedicated themselves to bash them. This is not the place to be if thats the case.
Then why are you here Joker? Enlighten us. -
Any postive feedbacks from congregational people.
by spiritmama2004 ini am studying with the witnesess for over a yr now & finally today finished the knowledge book.
i came from a baptist church & since studying with this congregation have grown to appreciate them.
though i donot feel the need ot have the wt at the meetings i understand why the congregation uses them.
Tim Horton
From the WTBS Library...
*** w55 3/15 p. 168 Negative Thinking Has Power ***
Negative Thinking Has Power
Writing in the Christian Century of January 5, Simeon Stylites sought to temper the enthusiasm for positive thinking, saying that when it ?is identified with a psychological pep talk to oneself, the best things of life and of true growth of mind and heart are left out.? Rather than exuding superconfidence all the time, one might very well let a little modesty and humility seep through also, though any such display of self-depreciation might be viewed as negative thinking. The writer concludes his column with these words: ?The power of negative thinking is beautifully and profoundly pictured in the words of the returning Prodigal to his father: ?Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you; I am no more worthy to be called your son.? That is about as negative as a person can get. And such self-awareness and consciousness of failure is the gateway to power. Humility is the first step in learning. Such a feeling is very different from the kind of ?positive thinking? to which many today are painfully aspiring, the kind that says, ?Watch me, boys! I?m going places.? That mood may be the beginning of becoming a Big, Booming Success. It is not the door to the life which is Life indeed.? ( Look at all the mags we produce each month, look at our growing numbers, these are evidence of God's blessing )
*** g75 3/22 p. 5 Is More Governmental Control Needed? ***
?But,? you may say, ?that is just hopeless, negative thinking; and besides, there is no alternative. We have to keep trying.? However, after six thousand years of ?trying,? is it negative thinking or is it realistic thinking that points to such conclusions? Facing up to the truth may be bitter medicine, but it is the best medicine, because it may also open otherwise closed minds to the real solution.
Is it negative or realistic thinking to question their ability to know God's will, if after 125 years of predicting dates for Armeggedon, they've really shown no insight at all...